All PMB Scholars
Scholars are listed in ascending order by year. The first scholar was in 2018
Makayla Austin, first PMB Scholar. VCU class of 2021
2018 Recipient
Makayla Kapri Austin
Hometown: Esmont, VA
Monticello High School Class of 2018
Active AVID student (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
“Both of my parent's received their high school diploma, but didn't get the chance to attend college. Being a first generation student feels like a huge accomplishment, and I have the chance to make both of my parents proud."
Future Major: Social Work
A course she would love to take in college: African American Studies
Her favorite past time: Watching Netflix
“My role model is my mother because she has been through so much in her life, and she has supported me in every way possible. Everything I do is for her."
She gives thanks to the following: I'd like to thank my family for being there through the toughest parts of my life, and always believing in me.
A place she would like to go: I'd love to visit Jamaica.
University she will Attend: Virginia Commonwealth University (graduating Spring 2021)
What this scholarship means to her:
Financially, it's going to be hard for my mother and I to pay for my education. Anything counts, so this scholarship is a really helpful resource for my transition between high school and college.
2019 Recipient
Phendia Bryant
Home town: Charlottesville, Virginia
Monticello High School Class of 2019
Active AVID student, and a member of Monticello Mentors, and the National Honor Society
“Being a first generation student is so important to me because I feel as if I am making my parents proud. I am glad that I am able to have the opportunity to do things that they did not get the chance to do in their life.”
Future Major: Criminal Justice
A course she would love to take in college: Racism and the Law
Her favorite past times: My favorite things to do is to go out to eat, listen to music, and spend time with people that I feel comfortable around.
“My role model is my mother, because she is the only person that guided me through life. She groomed me to have respect for myself while also respecting the people around me.”
She gives thanks to: I would like to thank both of my parents, I am so grateful to have two people that love me and actually care about my actions. A lot of people take that for granted.
A place she would like to go: I would love to visit Hawaii.
University she will attend: Howard University
What this scholarship means to her:
This scholarship means a lot to me because it shows that my accomplishments and my situation actually matters. It shows that there is someone in the world willing to help and give back to people like them. It also shows that Dr. Brackett was looking for someone who she thought had a purpose in life, and wanted to succeed. Not only was I appreciative for her being thoughtful and giving it to me, it also made me feel special. I am very thankful to be selected to receive the Phyllis M. Brackett Scholarship.
Phendia Bryant
Dasha Kinlaw
2020 Recipient
Dasha Monique Kinlaw
Hometown: Charlottesville Virginia
Graduation year: 2020
High School: Monticello High School
Varsity Basketball, Lacrosse, Track & Field, and the National Honors Society
“It would be a huge accomplishment just to further my education as a young African American woman. With everything going on in the world today, I just want to make a difference in the world. I am eager to continue to help children in need from my community and I feel that I could make a huge impact.”
Future Major: Nursing and minoring in Business.
Classes she would love to take in college: I really want to take Anatomy. Learning about our body’s anatomy seems really challenging to me.
Her favorite past times: I enjoy hanging out with my friends in my free time, helping the elderly at bingo night, and coaching the little league basketball team.
“My role model would be my dad. (Gerald Kinlaw). He is my role model because he showed me that you could come from a hard place in life and struggle and then create something great on your own. That nobody can take credit for your accomplishments because you did it primarily by yourself.”
She gives thanks to: I would like to thank Qwinn Reynolds and William Trent for teaching me that nothing is handed to you. You have to work hard to get what you want. You have to show proper etiquette when you walk into a room, make sure people remember who you are, in a positive way. Also I would like to thank my family for all that they have done for me.
A place she would love to visit: I would love to visit Africa, because it's the motherland, and I want to learn about all of its history.
University she will attend: Undecided
What this scholarship means to her:
“Having this scholarship will help me with finances I may be tight on, like paying for my books, or for those unforeseen things. It will take a burden off my parents so that they won't stress over family finances.”
2021 Recipients
Ketia Anderson, 2021 PMB Scholar
Ketia Anderson
Hometown: Esmont, Va
HS graduation year: 2021
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: AVID
A statement about being first generation and what it means to her: Being first generation gives me the reassurance that me and future generations can do more and expand our education despite any financial circumstances. I hope to be a role model to my future kids, nieces and nephews to show them that it is indeed possible to go further than high school.
She is thinking about majoring in: English, Creative Writing
A class she would love to take in college: I would like to take an entrepreneurship course. I plan to open businesses sometime in the future.
Favorite thing to do: Other than spending time with friends and family, I love to write short stories and poetry.
Her role model and why: This may sound cliche, but my Mom and Dad are my role models. I’ve watched them work extremely hard to support us. I believe I get my work ethic from them.
Someone you'd like to thank and why: I would like to thank Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Trent. I don’t think they realize how much they impacted not only my life, but other kids’ lives. The best decision I’ve made in my high school career was joining Avid and that came with two supportive, amazing teachers. Thank you!
A place she'd love to visit: I would like to go somewhere like Maldives or Bali.
University you will attend: Old Dominion University
A statement of what this scholarship means to her:
To have another group of caring individuals helping and guiding me through this college process is wonderful. The Phyllis Marie Brackett Scholarship makes less of a worry when it comes to those hidden expenses of college. It’s not just about the money. They are here to support me through anything throughout my college career and that means a lot especially being first generation.
Sariyah Hughes, 2021 PMB Scholar
Sariyah Hughes
Hometown: Charlottesville, VA
HS graduation year: 2021
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society
A statement about being first generation and what it means to her: It’ll be a great accomplishment.
She is thinking about majoring in: Psychology
A class she'd love to take in college: Art or maybe photography.
Favorite thing to do: Play basketball & hang with friends.
Her role model and why: My role model is my mom, because no matter what she has taught me, and will continue to teach me, how to be stronger everyday. She is my motivation.
Someone she'd like to thank and why: I would like to thank my AVID teachers, Ms. Reynolds & Mr. Trent, they have always pushed me to do my best and they have really helped with my high school hardships, and college preparation.
A place she'd love to visit: Hawaii
University she will attend: Old Dominion University
A statement of what this scholarship means to her:
What this scholarship means to me is achievement, simply because it will give me free time to study instead of having to work to pay for my studies in my free time.
Makayla Butler, 2021 PMB Scholar
Makayla Butler
Hometown: Charlottesville Virginia
HS graduation year: 2021
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Monticello Mentors - Black Student Alliance - Track & Field - Majorette Dance team (D.N.D)
A statement about being first generation and what it means to her: Being a first gen is a commitment that I will see to the end.
She is thinking about majoring in: Business (For right now I’m not to sure)
A class she'd love to take in college: African American Culture/Studies
Favorite thing to do: Dance, sing, hangout, have deep discussions, eat, and anything creative.
Her role model and why: My role model is my mom, but not for the basic reasons like never giving up and pushing me to be the best. My mom is my role model because she prospers in whatever she does, she puts forth her best effort to make change and not just in her day-to-day work but outside of it also. She will give you a vibe that can never be denied and she always makes sure that everyone is taken care of before she can take a breath of fresh air for herself.
Someone she'd like to thank and why: I’d like to thank my papa, George Carter. He showed me that even when things slowly get worse, still live your days like they are your last. Never explain to others about what makes you happy and never look back once you’ve done it.
A place she'd love to visit: I’d like to visit, Egypt.
University she will attend: Undecided
A statement of what this scholarship means to her:
This scholarship means success to me. I have not yet viewed a scholarship that has provided money for your personal needs, or a scholarship that benefits you outside of the school. It’s a helping hand that no one gives out.
Amante Smith, 2021 PMB Scholar
Amante Smith
Hometown: Charlottesville, Va
HS graduation year: 2021
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Monticello Tutoring, Monticello Mentors, English Honor Society, and National Arts Honor Society
A statement about being first generation and what it means to her: Being the first generation is stressful and a lot of pressure, but it is also really exciting. I want to make my family proud and do well in school, but this new chapter is going to be something that I will hold on to and remember for the rest of my life.
She is thinking about majoring in: Psychology
A class she'd love to take in college: Sociology
Favorite thing to do: Watch movies and spend time with friends
Her role model and why: My role model is Serena Williams, as a female athlete, she has always been someone that I have looked up to. Even when critics brought her down about her race, body, temper, or just being a female she has always handled herself with composure. I look to her mostly due to her unwavering confidence and ability to continue fighting for what she believes and loves.
Someone she'd like to thank and why: I would like to thank my grandmother, Steph, for always encouraging me to be the best version of myself and supporting me through everything.
A place she'd love to visit: The night markets in Seoul, South Korea
University she will attend: Undecided
A statement of what this scholarship means to her:
This scholarship has made me more comfortable about the transition into college because I know that I have the opportunity to reach out to women of color who have already been through the experience.
2022 Recipients
Jaylyn Benedetto
HS graduation year: 2022
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Varsity basketball, Work part-time at Wegmans, volunteer at food shelters.
University she will attend: Louisiana State University
Miniya Hedgeman
HS graduation year: 2022
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Works part time at Kroger as a cashier and promoted to floor supervisor. Volunteers serving food to those in need.
University she will attend: North Carolina A&T
Anayah Jenkins
HS graduation year: 2022
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Cares for rescue farm animals herself and alongside her family. Works part time as well.
University she will attend: Bridgewater College
Cedasia Yates
HS graduation year: 2022
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Works and volunteers, member of the basketball team, and the student-athlete advisory committee.
University she will attend: North Carolina A&T
2023 Recipient
Victoria T., 2023 PMB Scholar
Victoria Taylor
HS graduation year: 2023
High School: Monticello High School
Extracurricular Activities: Monticello Young Progressives President, and active in a Bee Preservation group at MHS.
University she will attend: James Madison University
What it means to go to college: One thing my mom always said is that no matter what someone may try to take away from you, they can’t take away what you know. Knowledge is power, sometimes the only power you have. So to be able to have a chance to obtain that power is truly a blessing.
What she plans to major in: I plan to major in Psychology on a PhD track with a minor in Women and Gender Studies.
A class she’d love to take in college: I would love to attend a class in relation to political science to broaden my knowledge and strengthen my ability to speak on political topics in the form of advocacy.
Her favorite thing to do: When given the opportunity my favorite way to spend my free time is hiking and enjoying the beautiful world around me.
Her role model: My biggest role model has been my sister Catherine. She’s led the way, as the first born in my family. Catherine was the one to figure out how to make it through the American school system. She showed me how to build my connections and keep them close. For that I will be forever grateful.
Someone she’d like to thank: I would like to thank Mrs. Kelly Lawrence, though she moved on from Monticello last year, she was the one to spark my interest in psychology. So I thank her for being the one to shine the light.
A place she’d love to visit: A goal of mine to visit Kruger National Park in South Africa.