We encourage you to reach out for further information about Perception and the services we provide.


Primary Contact: LaToya T. Brackett, Ph.D.

Email: lbrackett@brackettperception.com

Phone: 509. 850. 0862

Website: www.BrackettPerception.com

Continue reading for a glimpse into one way in which we might assist our clients in investigating perception.

What is your Perception of the World? What do you see
when you look at this image?

The official World Map used in American education systems.

What do you see when you look at these images?

Define your truth and unravel your perception by reading the article in Scientific American which further discusses the above "True Size of Africa" map created by Kai
Krause. Contact us if you wish for further dialogue based on
redefining individuals' approaches to how
we receive  information.

"Africa Dwarfs China, Europe and the U.S."