Diversity & Inclusion Education
In a time when institutions are seeking diversity and inclusion consultants, more than ever before, Perception comes from the framework of educating not training. As a strong pedagogue, Dr. Brackett teaches issues of diversity to the most novice of learners, and she is a master at breaking through and bridging divides. Thus, Perception provides a unique option of short courses, not training workshops. These courses require work not simply from the educator but from the learners as well. Do you truly want to know how to stop microaggressions? Are you desiring to work from within your institution to build a more inclusive environment? Do you want your team to all be on the same page of understanding about diverse communities and how they show up in your spaces? Then Perception is what you need. Dr. Brackett is a full-time faculty member in an African American Studies department and her diversity and inclusion consultant lens is to educate not train.

“I teach people how to fish, I don’t catch the fish and hand it to them. This work is continual, and the process is the product.”
Short courses
Do you want to be educated on the foundations of what would create a more inclusive environment? If so, contact Perception about having a short course. Short courses are meant to be like college courses, but arranged with your individual organization in mind. This means teaching content in a manner suited best for those seeking to learn. But a short course will require pre-reading, and short activities before and during sessions. A short course begins at 3 sessions and can extend based on the organization’s needed. Reach out for more information, and a glimpse at past courses used for other institutions. This is the most sustainable option if you are looking for continued engagement after the consultant has left. Why? Because now everyone is on the same page, they can use the same language, they can reference tools provided to work through any issues or concerns, and they are now more aware of their colleagues in regards to diversity and inclusion engagement.