ESL Tutoring
As someone who has taught abroad, I have gained insight into the need for ESL preparation and assistance on various levels for college and graduate students along with travelers. But most important, is having someone who can anticipate what you are trying to accomplish, and someone who finds joy in your success. English is a difficult language, to speak and to write, but I've enjoyed assisting folks with both of these. See options below for types of ESL tutoring I offer.
Editing for Short
Essays and Papers
Are you writing a college entrance essay? Do you have a first year paper due soon? Send it to me and I'll let you know if you're on the right track. If not I'll guide you in getting it on track. Online and Phone assistance available.
Editing for Longer
Essays and Papers
Do you have a senior research paper due? Are you a graduate student writing a thesis or dissertation? Do you want help with grammar and content, then reach out to me and let me see how we can work together to ensure you finalize that degree. It can be overwhelming, but I can help you.
Conversation and
Presentation Practice
Are you traveling to the United States for leisure or short term education? Let a native speaker prepare you for your trip. Do you have an English presentation coming up? Send me your presentation and we'll find a way for you to present to me. I'll help you prepare your delivery along with prepping you for questions and any on the spot adjustments. Skype me!
Send me a note and I'll let you know how I can help you.
*I accept Paypal and Venmo for payments.
From my former student Paige in her native language Mandarin Chinese:
大家好我是Paige,目前就讀紐約大學整合行銷學系。 在我來到紐約前,很榮幸可以跟LaToya老師學習英文跟美國文化。 在課程開始前我們討論了很多關於我這次學習的目的,我希望這次的學習能幫助我提前適應美國碩士上課的模式向個案討論等,同時也希望可以多了解美國文化。在學習的過程中,我了解國外上課的運作模式。這對我現在碩士課程學習上幫助很大,同時我也很習慣上課跟教授做討論。 LaToya老師不只給我學習上的幫助也給了我文化上的差異及提點,這讓我剛來紐約時可以很快適應當地的文化。所以我很開心可以跟她學習這一切。
From a former student:
“Hi everyone, I’m Paige and I study Integrated Marketing in NYU now. Before I came to New York, I had a chance to learn English and American culture with LaToya, in Taiwan. Before the class began, we discussed about the objective of this time learning. I would like to know how to prepare for my learning in graduate school, case study, and understand the culture of United States. The classes with LaToya really had me get into the situation that I face in my graduate courses. I can have a nice discussion with my professor about the case study. The culture learning literally gave me a hand to adapt the life in New York and easier to get into the new environment. From my personal experience, I really had a great time learning with LaToya.”